ROBERT BAILEYWell it was a wild weekend. We set our own dead line in the shop for a few builds by booking a tuner. This was the cars had to be wrapped up by this weekend. The days leading up to the weekend where equally as wild. In this post you will get a quick visual taste of the fun that happens weekly in my warhouse.
Starting off the weekend strong. Bill put all time and effort into the is3 and let the supra wait until the last minute. This pic was taken late friday night.
Living on energy drinks, no one slept friday night
Friday night: 2jzs not even in cars that are getting tuned the following day.
Saturday morning: Almost a full staff shows up and starts printing. I was thrilled to see this. We have a lot planned for this month, and without the presses spinning 7 days a week it is never going to happen. I was beyond happy to see my crew show up this weekend! #handsomemotherfucker
Hat brims getting some new artwork.
Saturday: The countertops in the kitchen are installed. If you are following us on social you may know that this kitchen has been in the works for a while. With us living at the warhouse we decided to finally put in a real kitchen. Although living in this warehouse seems like a dream, it is very hard on a relationship. We never have privacy, there is always employees here, and honestly work never stops. I have to take steps like this to keep my self sane. And also, I am hoping this kitchen makes DLB's prep for OLYMPIA a lot easier. We still have paint, backsplash, electrical, floors and appliances to wrap up.
Now this is something I don't talk much about. But we are currently making all the equipment for the WARHOUSE GYM. Designing and fully fabricating in house with american steel. 7 days a week we are working on new equipment. For now, that is all I am going to tell you.....
Saturday: mid afternoon. The red Is still has some pump fuel issues so we put My brother/ business managers car on the dyno. This is a project car we purchased a few months back. It was auto when we bought it and had a bunch of running, start issues. We swapped the trans and converted it to 5 spd, new injectors, new turbo set up wheels etc. We where hopping all the starting issues could be solved by this tune. Needless to say Drew was very excited to see what was going to happen. Long story short, he only put down 450 and was having some issues. After a few hours of trouble shooting, we decided to order a new wiring harness. The 20 year old harness had been modified and has seen better days. Also, not building the car from the ground up ourselves, we do not fully trust the block.... So, looks like it is time for a full rebuild.
I will do a separate blog post about my Is when it is fully complete. But I a very proud of our shop with this build. After a 3 week balls to the wall build I feel like we put out the cleanest possibly bay we could. Shaved ( with out over shaving) painted bay, all wires tucked and deleted a hell of a lot of shit from the bay. With the fuel issues this did not get on the dyno until sunday.
Saturday night into sunday, the race to completely rebuild the other white supra is still chugging a long.
Andrew shows up and makes insane power. as always
Over view of our current shop set up. We have 2 lifts and the full fab set up for gym equipment.
Sunday: noon, with the red is3 wrapped up and ready to get on the dyno, a few other cars tuned, drews supra trouble shooting issue handled..... we only have 2 more hours before Darren ( double D tuning) has to leave for the airport to fly back to FL. The race to make magic happen is in full swing
1:20pm with Darren leaving at 2pm, my Is3 gets pulled on. No issues and some solid pulls. it put down 506 on a mild tune ( and year and a half old pump gas).
Staying very conservative with the car for now. I am going to drive it for a few weeks and make sure everything is good, then in a month or so we will retune and get some more power out of it.
It was a long long weekend. Bills supra got finished, but just ran out of time to get it tuned. We had a full crew in here running all weekend as fast as they could. I am very proud of everyone. We have a lot more projects in the works and I will do my best to document them, and share the builds and these crazy weekend we have with all of you.
www.Speedwarhouse.com should be live soon. It will have a lot more info about the shop and also merch available.
Thanks for reading guys!