2019 - Progress or Death
Nicholas MalcolmIn 2019, our mantra was "Give Me Progress, or Give Me Death."
It truly was a year where I wanted the brand to spread its wings and fly. The disorganization and the move to Montana definitely slowed us down a little bit, I think, in a good and bad way.
We needed to start changing things up, so we brought in other models for the first time to start providing everyone with different looks.
We also experimented with making different custom things and giving them away. For our first giveway, we had a custom wakeboard made by a local Montanan guy, which went very, very well. It was cool to encourage an active lifestyle while also giving away a cool custom piece. Along the lines of give me progress or give me death, we started to create really high-performance activewear. The TEK collection was born as a product of this ideology.
2019 was the year we started pressing on the gas when it came to our expansion. Running back and forth between the warehouses and not having a space that is actually tailored to us was becoming exhausting, so I purchased land and began the design of a Mega HQ custom-tailored to Flag Nor Fail's needs. It would embody everything that we believe in as a brand and give our business a place to grow.