I HEART you guys!!! Thank you everyone that took the time out of their day to watch little ol' me on the big TV!!! I've been reading all your comments, obviously can't reply back to all of you. So this is a group reply...

I just want to THANK every single one of you! Means so much, to have so many people behind me, rooting for me, and cheering for me!!! ‪#‎AmericaNinjaWarrior‬ was such an awesome experience for me! I am not the best at everything. This was something very new to me. Something I had no idea how to train for. I conquered fears. I overcame obstacles. With practice, I got better at things, and that was the most exciting part. Not being able to do something, then practicing it over and over and over, till you got it! That's exciting! That's why you continue to see me still training for it! It's not over for me!! 

Failure is the first step to success. You learn from it, grow from it, prepare for it, and better yourself so it never happens again! The only way to fail is quit or never try and that is NOT happening! Failure does not have to be negative. Embrace failure. Use it. Learn from it. And success will always follow....‪#‎DLBwillbeBACK‬ (insert Arnold voice here )

Thank you guys and I love ya!! @americanninjawarrior #AmericaNinjaWarrior ‪#‎ninjawarrior‬

If you missed Dana prepping for Ninja Warrior, check out some of the videos below. There are also a ton more on her Youtube channel...

Generation Iron talking about her change in training...

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