Austin Ragno
Overall, I'd say this project is coming along...
This project is not something I would have guessed would get this kind of buzz.
Since it's release, the Forever Collection has quickly grown into a fan favorite. What started as a Hoodie in 2020 in many ways changed the trajectory of the brand. From now offering a variety of items, the Forever Collection has really stood it's tests so far.
With some leftover fabric from our recent Forever Jogger production, I tasked the manufacture with creating me a pair of one off Overalls. I obviously loved them, but to my surprise, you guys do too.
With the response I've been getting on these on my youtube videos along with social, we figured it would be best to dedicate a page to documenting the build and timeline of these coming to life.
12/17/23 | Update...
The Overalls are nearing their completion. Construction, materials, sizing and everything is just about done at this point.
Now just just adding some final touches to really drive this project home...